Proudly Part Of The Community Of Sydney Catholic Schools

Why choose us?

At De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah, we specialise in boys education, catering to the unique learning needs of our young men. Developing strong minds and gentle hearts, we encourage our students to become leaders, be self-directed and resilient, and responsible contributors to the wider community.

Relationships between teachers and students are fair, supportive and collaborative, allowing students to have a sense of ownership over their learning and school environment. We embrace our Catholic values and have high expectations for our students to strive, serve and succeed.


Our college has recently grown to include Years 11 and 12. Visit our FAQs for more information.

Principal’s Message

De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah is a Catholic secondary systemic boys’ school in the Archdiocese of Sydney. Founded by the De La Salle Brothers, the college is enlivened by their charism and traditions. In particular, the three pillars of the De La Salle Brothers – Faith, Service and Community – are the very foundation of our charism. De La Salle is well known in the broader community as being a place of hospitality and welcome; promoting a strong Lasallian charism; achieving outstanding academic results; having a talented and committed staff; and being a place where boys so obviously have a great love for and loyalty to their school.

Our first Year 12 cohort began brilliantly this year with our HSC Enrichment Program. As the only all-boys school in the Sutherland Shire, we continue to focus strongly on Boys’ Education. This places us in an outstanding position to extend our students to reach their very best HSC results possible.

De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah is known for its best educational practice and for getting the best out of boys when it comes to their learning and results. An all-boys school also allows us to cater at a superior level for sport, outdoor education, creative and performing arts, music, authentic teaching and learning and faith.

We work in partnership with parents and families to educate and prepare our students for their lives beyond their school days through experiences that develop learning and leadership for the common good.

Our College Theme is:

“Use your God-given gifts to serve others.”
1 Peter 4:10

I welcome you to De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah.

Mr Peter Buxton

De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah opened its doors on the 28th January 1958. Sixty-five boys had arrived to start fourth class with Brother Dermot.

In 1961, the year the presbytery was officially opened, secondary classes began. Father Keller (parish priest at the time), teachers and parishioners recognised an obvious need for planning for the future needs of the school. As part of this planning, Father Keller visualised a large parish complex, basing his dream on the rapid growth of the local population, particularly the local Catholic population.

The new school buildings were designed to be built in two stages. A seam can still be seen running directly down the middle of the building, discoverable near the Learning Centre, and Rooms 12 and 5. Due to the organisation of Father Keller and the hard work of the parishioners the cost of construction was kept very low.

One way of reducing costs was to purchase all internal bricks second-hand and to arrange working bees to clean the bricks. The De La Salle Brothers’ monastery (the current office and staff study) was completed in 1964 thus completing Fr Keller’s planned series of parish buildings. De La Salle Catholic College was labelled for closure in the 1990s, but due to increased enrolments and the efforts of the staff and community, this was called off and a new wave of building works began. The science labs were refurbished first and then all general classrooms, followed by massive building works to convert the library into the hall. Additional renovations included the building of a food tech room, canteen and new toilet facilities, and the conversion of the presbytery/residence to staff study and college office.

Plans are currently underway for further building works to accommodate increasing enrolments and to provide more diverse curriculum opportunities for students.

The community of De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah believe:

  • We serve our wider community based on our Catholic Lasallian tradition of ministry.
  • That we as a community strive to be brothers and sisters to each other in all our actions in the spirit of St John Baptist De La Salle.
  • We should set ourselves challenging goals in all our endeavours, especially in learning, so that we can truly succeed.

At De La Salle Catholic College Caringbah we aspire to provide a quality education for all in an environment where excellence is celebrated and Gospel values are lived out in our Catholic Lasallian tradition.

Our college recognises its role in bringing the Gospel alive in our community and sharing the values of the Catholic Church.

The parish, families, students and staff work hard to help those less fortunate. As well as this, our school recognises our role within the culture of the local community and have strong ties with local groups and organisations.

Our interaction with the Parish includes:

  • Sacramental Program for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation
  • Weekly Mass
  • Regular Reconciliation
  • Parish Gardening
  • Fatima Youth Group

Visit Our Lady of Fatima’s parish website.

Our school news